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risultati referendum 2020

The final results of the 2020 election today have delivered a blunt blow to New Zealanders hopeful of legalising cannabis for personal use. Risultati Referendum 2020 a Milano: vince il SI ma solo al 56%. It will happened same day as the gubernatorial and presidential elections, and others. Referendum 2020 e elezioni Regionali: Ieri domenica 20 settembre e oggi lunedì 21 settembre 2020 si è votato contestualmente per tutte le consultazioni elettorali previste per il 2020: per il referendum costituzionale confermativo relativo alla riduzione del numero dei parlamentari, per le elezioni suppletive del Senato della Repubblica, per le regionali e le comunali. Ultimo aggiornamento: 22 settembre 2020 ore 00:33 QUESITO 1. The Drug Foundation favours a Government response that keeps legislation of cannabis on the table in some form. English: Results of the Italian constitutional referendum, 2020 (percent Yes votes according to regions). GUARDA LA TABELLA "The Government must find out what New Zealanders' key concerns were in voting no, and come back with proposed legislation that will address the issues we all agree on.". Leggi su Sky TG24 l'articolo Referendum sul taglio dei parlamentari, ha vinto il 'Sì' Lo scrutinio delle 61.622 sezioni ha decretato la vittoria del 'Sì' con il 69,64%, ... 22 set 2020 - 07:40 Riccardo Molinari, party leader of the League in the Chamber of Deputies, asked for the parliament to be dissolved and new elections to be held, in order to fulfill the objective of the constitutional law. Referendum 2020. The approved bill was one of the two constitutional reforms to be approved by a popular vote in Italy, together with the 2001 referendum. Riforma approvata al 64,2%, "Italian lawmakers want fewer Italian lawmakers", "Italy to vote on streamlining parliament", "Official Gazzette, General Series 240 of 12-10-2019", "Salvini,invitiamo a votare sì referendum", "Pronti per il #referendum sul taglio del parlamentari! Nel primo quesito gli elettori erano chiamati a esprimersi sull'iniziativa popolare "Più abitazioni a prezzi accessibili".L'iniziativa proponeva che il 10% delle nuove abitazioni fosse costruito da committenti di utilità pubblica, che le concedessero in locazione applicando pigioni corrispondenti ai costi effettivi. Doing nothing is not an option for the Government," Potiki said. [11][10][12], The referendum resulted in a victory of the "Yes" with a majority of 70.0% of the vote. [8], The proposed constitutional law would amend Article 56 of the Constitution by reducing the number of deputies from 630, twelve of which are elected in the overseas constituencies, to 400, with eight to be elected in the overseas constituencies. The number of seats assigned to the overseas constituencies forms an exception to this rule. This explains why they are opposed by most minor parties, with the exception of those that can count on a small but solid electoral base, such as the regional South Tyrolean People's Party, which would see their influence in Parliament increase. [10], As discussed above, the proposed changes to the constitution would reduce the number of seats per electoral district for both chambers of Parliament and thus increase the number of votes required to win a seat. Ironside says the mental health system is strained and legalising the drug would have added to social harm. Le modifiche saranno effettive, però, solo a partire dal prossimo scioglimento delle Camere. Consulta le percentuali dei si e dei no. July 8, 2020, 2:52 PM UTC By Steve Benen It was just a few months ago when Donald Trump told Reuters that he sees the 2020 election as "a referendum on all the things we've done." Risultati referendum costituzionale 2020 in Italia, i dati regione per regione. This compares to Germany's 0.9 ratio, France's 1.4 ratio, and the United Kingdom's 2.1 ratio. Registered electors will be asked to vote whether they support The Single Constituency Bill 2020 (the “Bill”) to change to a single constituency representing the population of the Falkland Islands or, if they do not support the Bill and wish to maintain two constituency representations. Goldman: Consumer fraud: The 2020 Redistricting Referendum Paul Goldman Goldman is a former chairman of the Virginia Democratic Party and a … Lo spoglio LIVE Segui la Diretta #REFERENDUM #EXITPOLL #ReferendumCostituzionale Ora legge proporzionale' Quand'è che direte basta? The option to remain a commonwealth of the United States received 60.4 percent of the vote, while statehood received 39.0 percent and independence received 0.6 percent. Referendum taglio parlamentari, i risultati. [8] The proposal was rejected by 59% of voters through a constitutional referendum, prompting the resignation of the Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi. English. It asked the people if they think Puerto Rico should become a U.S. State. On July 23, 1967, Puerto Ricans were given three options at the ballot box on the island's political status. A constitutional referendum about the reduction of the size of the Italian Parliament was held in Italy on 20 and 21 September 2020. I risultati per il Referendum Costituzionale 2020 in Spagna ecco come si sono espressi i cittadini italiani residenti. [10], The changes to Articles 56 and 57 would take effect after either the end of the current legislature, or at the next dissolution of Parliament, and not earlier than 60 days after the promulgation of the constitutional law. Amandemen tersebut mencakup perubahan menyeluruh terhadap … The secretary of the PD, Nicola Zingaretti, said that "the victory of the 'Yes' opens up a season of reforms". REFERENDUM 20-21 SETTEMBRE 2020 RISULTATI DEFINITIVI GARESSIO The city/town of Garessio belongs to: Region Piemonte - Province of Cuneo Vittoria netta del Sì. Approvate il testo della legge costituzionale concernente "Modifiche agli articoli 56, 57 e 59 della Costituzione in materia di riduzione del numero dei parlamentari"? Tutti, destra e sinistra, hanno votato la legge voluta da Di Maio. Palazzi & Potere - Referendum Elezioni e Referendum 2020, risultati in diretta: vince il Sì con il 69%. Dataset Identifier zone_votazioni_ref. ... Cannabis referendum still fails. Di Maio: "Ora proporzionale". 1967. Referendum 2020 - Risultati per zona Referendum 2020. Italiano: Risultati del referendum costituzionale italiano del 2020 (percentuale del Sì nelle varie regioni). "Despite the result, we're really glad to have sparked a conversation about the need for fit-for-purpose drug laws in New Zealand," Swarbrick said. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has said some of the issues legalisation sought to address - including referring cannabis users to health services rather than the justice system - will be looked at regardless of the referendum result. Votare No per respingere lo "sfregio alla democrazia costituzionale. L’affluenza Referendum 2020 Voter Registration Opened In Punjab “UPDATE ON REFERENDUM 2020” IN THE WORLD OF COVID-19” Khalistan movement, Sikhs in India's Punjab state rally against govt: Rana Azeem | 92NewsHD Toscana e la Puglia restano a sinistra: vittorie di Giani ed Emiliano. If not for Covid19, Trump was a sure winner in 2020. Salvini: "Sarebbe morte della politica,, Referendums postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Articles needing translation from Italian Wikipedia, Pages using bar box without float left or float right, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Solidary Network in defense of the Constitution, Popular Committee for the No to the parliamentarians cut, Committee for the NO on changes to the Constitution to reduce the number of parliamentarians, Committee for the NO to the Counter-reform, LET'S START WITH NO — Committee for the NO to the referendum on the cut of parliamentarians. RISULTATI REFERENDUM 2020 - TAGLIO PARLAMENTARI - REGIONE veneto 4.751 sezioni su 4.751. The CCFPD actively pursues grant funding and private donations. Berlusconi: "Libertà di voto, "Sulla #prescrizione - come su ILVA, il taglio dei parlamentari, i decreti sicurezza, quota 100, il reddito di cittadinanza - quello che colpisce è il silenzio dei progressisti mentre avallano la linea #M5S. [8] The proposal was a main 2018 campaign promise by the Five Star Movement in an effort to reduce the costs of politics and to slash privileges for lawmakers, with the total reduction in costs for the taxpayers being estimated between 285 and 500 million euros per five-year parliamentary term. Column: How could a race for U.S. president come down to a referendum on masks? Paragraph 4 would also be changed, to state that the subdivision of seats among the regions and autonomous provinces – in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph – is made in proportion to their population given by the latest general census of the population, on the basis of whole shares and the highest remainders. Palazzi & Potere - Referendum Elezioni e Referendum 2020, risultati in diretta: vince il Sì con il 69%. Si vota domenica 20 e lunedì 21 settembre 2020 per il referendum costituzionale confermativo relativo alla riduzione del numero dei parlamentari e per le elezioni suppletive del Senato della Repubblica, per le regionali e le comunali Su Eligendo tutti i dati su affluenza alle urne e voto Come accedere ai dati non gestiti dal Viminale SayNoToDope campaign spokesperson Aaron Ironside says New Zealand has dodged a bullet by rejecting the legalisation of cannabis. [48], National Council for Economics and Labour, Endorsements in the 2020 Italian constitutional referendum,, "Il 20 e 21 settembre ci sarà il referendum sul taglio del numero dei parlamentari", "Coronavirus, salta anche il referendum sul taglio dei parlamentari - Secolo d'Italia", "Indetto per il 29 marzo il referendum costituzionale", "Cabinet sets March 29 for referendum on MP cut - sources - English", "Il referendum sul taglio dei parlamentari si terrà il 29 marzo", Referendum, vince il "sì". In 2019, the PD-M5S coalition government proposed new constitutional reforms which simply called for the reduction of the number of parliamentarians by a third; the bill was approved with the support of all the major political parties on 8 October 2019. Tutti i risultati del referendum senza quorum sul taglio dei parlamentari, anno 2020. The Electoral Commission has released the final results of the 2020 election today. Urne chiuse in provincia di Cosenza. Zingaretti: "Un voto per cambiare e fare le riforme, "Riforme, Meloni: In caso di referendum confermativo FdI chiederà agli italiani di votare sì", "Le ragioni del nostro sì al taglio dei parlamentari spiegate ai critici (tardivi)", "Anche Svp favorevole al taglio dei parlamentari", "Toti: taglio parlamentari è un segnale ma risparmio è modesto", "Referendum zur Verkleinerung des römischen Parlaments: Stimme mit "JA, "Le condizioni per il Sì e per la prospettiva politica con M5S", "Referendum per il taglio dei parlamentari, Morosin: «Con queste legge elettorale tanto vale ridurli»", "Referendum: Tutti i dubbi e le posizioni", "Renzi: "Libertà di voto. A constitutional referendum was held in Russia between 25 June and 1 July 2020. However, the gap between those voting for and against the reform around cannabis shrunk 2.4 per cent points after the recount and addition of special votes. Esito della votazione nel Comune di Bologna. ", "Riforme. Referendum 2020 - Risultati per zona Referendum 2020. [9] However, critics have slammed these numbers as petty figures, and argue that the reduction in the number of lawmakers would decrease democratic representation, lowering the number of lawmakers per 100,000 inhabitants from 1.6 to 1. Consulta le percentuali dei si e dei no. A constitutional referendum about the reduction of the size of the Italian Parliament was held in Italy on 20 and 21 September 2020. [10] The senators are elected on a regional basis and no region or autonomous province would have fewer than 3 (down from 7) senators, with the exception of Molise and Aosta Valley, which will respectively have two and one senators. Referendum taglio parlamentari 2020: netta vittoria del “Sì” (con il 69,96%) nel Referendum costituzionale confermativo per la riduzione del numero dei parlamentari italiani. But they determine the number of each parties' MPs in Parliament. The "Yes" was the winning choice by a large margin in all Italian regions. In 2016, the Partito Democratico-led (PD) coalition government proposed a series of constitutional reforms with the aim of reducing the total number of parliamentarians, simplifying the legislative process, limiting the operating costs of the institutions, the disestablishment of the National Council for Economics and Labour (CNEL), and removing the perfect bicameralism in particular by greatly reducing the size and scope of the Senate. Former. I risultati per il Referendum Costituzionale 2020 sul taglio dei parlamentari. [10], Article 59 of the Constitution would be changed by limiting the total number of incumbent life senators who can be appointed by the President of Italy to five. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Maraio: "Approntare modifiche, "Voteremo No a #Referendum perché #taglioparlamentari è pura demagogia. Consulta le percentuali dei si e dei no. Voters were asked whether they approved a constitutional law that would amend the Italian Constitution in various aspects, most notably by reducing the number of MPs in the Parliament from 630 to 400 in the Chamber of Deputies and from 315 to 200 in the Senate. Le percentuali del Sì e del No nel comune di BOLOGNA. Ultimo aggiornamento: 22 settembre 2020 ore 14:06 QUESITO 1. Rancangan amandemen Konstitusi diajukan ke dalam referendum sesuai dengan pasal 2 UU Amandemen Konstitusi. Al momento, con tutte le 61.622 sezioni scrutinate, il sì ha vinto con il 69,64% dei voti mentre il no ha ricevuto soltanto il 30,36% dei voti. The United States Congress sanctioned the referendum. Presiden Vladimir Putin mengusulkan referendum dalam pidatonya di hadapan Majelis Federal pada 15 Januari 2020. [8] Pursuing the reform was also made a part of the coalition deal between the parties. Il sì ha vinto al referendum costituzionale del 20 e 21 settembre 2020 sul taglio del numero dei parlamentari. ", "Sono pochi i partiti e i movimenti che si sono già "messi al lavoro" in vista della tornata referendaria del 29 marzo", "TAGLIO PARLAMENTARI: I SEI ELETTI ALL'ESTERO FIRMANO PER IL REFERENDUM", "Referendum, il comunista Rizzo: "Affonda i 5 Stelle, vota no, "Sanza, il taglio dei parlamentari è l'ennesima battaglia per "indorare" l'opinione pubblica", "Russo Spena: Votiamo no al referendum costituzionale del 29 marzo 2020", "La Democrazia Cristiana aderisce al "Comitato per il NO" al taglio dei parlamentari", "Taglio dei parlamentari, verso il referendum schieramenti in campo", "Appello di laici e religiosi sul referendum. A referendum of the status of Puerto Rico was held on November 3, 2020, concurrently with the general election.It was announced by Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vázquez Garced on May 16, 2020. Toscana e la Puglia restano a sinistra: vittorie di Giani ed Emiliano. Esito della votazione nel Comune di Bologna. Referendum di febbraio Primo quesito. [5] The proposed changes were approved, with 69.96% voting in favour. Initially scheduled to be held on 29 March, the referendum was postponed following the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in Italy, and the consequent lockdown.. I risultati delle votazioni nei seggi a Finale Emilia sui quesiti referendari saranno disponibili sia sul sito del Ministero degli Interni che raccoglie telematicamente i dati trasmessi dagli uffici elettorali. Dati reali: Di Maio “trionfo M5s” Il referendum costituzionale in Italia del 2020 è stato indetto per approvare o respingere la legge di revisione costituzionale dal titolo "Modifiche agli articoli 56, 57 e 59 della Costituzione in materia di riduzione del numero dei parlamentari". [1] Initially scheduled to be held on 29 March, the referendum was postponed following the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in Italy, and the consequent lockdown.[2][3][4]. A referendum of the status of Puerto Rico is was held on November 3, 2020. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. Of the 2,908,071 total votes received, 48.4 per cent supported the proposed cannabis legislation and control bill and 50.7 per cent opposed. This page lists individuals and organisations who publicly expressed an opinion regarding the 2020 Italian constitutional referendum Yes Members of the government and institutions Presidents of the Senate. "As a country, we've come so far in understanding the need to reduce the harm of drugs by bringing them out of the shadows, and I remain committed to working for a drug harm reduction approach to drugs in the future.". The final results have Labour on 50 per cent (65 seats), National on 25.6 per cent (33 seats), Act on 7.6 per cent (10 seats), the Greens on 7.9 per cent (10 seats), and the Māori Party with 1.2 per cent (two seats). Italiano: Risultati del referendum costituzionale italiano del 2020 (percentuale del Sì nelle varie regioni). If the referendum is unsuccessful in 2020, it is likely to be on the ballot again in two years. 6 Nov, 2020 … Election 2020: A referendum on racial justice in America. Ken Dugan wears a mask while voting at the San Marcos Civic Center with … Auckland Central MP Chlöe Swarbrick, who cemented her seat today, says the Greens always knew the results would be close and they were proud to have run "an evidence-based campaign for a harm-reduction approach". Ecco i dati del Referendum 2020: affluenza e risultati in tutti i comuni cosentini. By Edward Lempinen | November 2, 2020 November 4, 2020. Approvate il testo della legge costituzionale concernente "Modifiche agli articoli 56, 57 e 59 della Costituzione in materia di riduzione del numero dei parlamentari"? Le percentuali del Sì e del No in VENETO. [6] Two previous reforms had been rejected by referendums in 2006 and 2016.[7]. The voter turnout was 51.12%. [11], The new law would also amend Article 57 of the Constitution by reducing the number of senators from 315, six of which are elected in the overseas constituencies, to 200, with four to be elected in the overseas constituencies. Tutti, ad eccezione di @Piu_Europa, hanno dimostrato di essere subalterni al populismo dei 5 Stelle. The incoming Government will still look to improve the current health-based approach to drug law reform. 21 set 2020 - 17:37 ... "Sul referendum siamo molto soddisfatti: si conferma che il Pd è la forza del cambiamento, ... Elezioni regionali e referendum, affluenza e risultati. Una riforma che lascia milioni di italiani senza rappresentanza", "REFERENDUM TAGLIO PARLAMENTARI: ADERIAMO AI COMITATI PER IL NO, RIFORMA COMPROMETTE DEMOCRAZIA", "Italia in Comune sostiene il referendum contro riduzione parlamentari", "Il taglio ai parlamentari è un taglio a democrazia e rappresentanza: le nostre contro-proposte! Leggi su Sky TG24 l'articolo Referendum, Di Maio: 'Esito storico, impossibile senza M5S. [10] According to Paragraph 3 of the Article, the subdivision of seats among the electoral districts is obtained by dividing the number of inhabitants of the country – given by the latest general census of the population – by a factor of 392 (also changed by the new law from the previous factor of 618) and distributing the seats in proportion to the population in each electoral district, on the basis of whole shares and the highest remainders. I risultati per il Referendum Costituzionale 2020 in Sicilia ecco come si sono espressi i cittadini residenti. PSI aderisce a raccolta firme contro taglio parlamentari. @pdnetwork @ItaliaViva", "Dietro al taglio dei parlamentari il morbo del antiparlamentarismo", "Riduzione del numero dei parlamentari. This was essentially a Referendum on Trumpism & he lost, but yet with record voting figures, both for Trump and the anti-Trump vote. Tutte le regioni scelgono per il taglio dei parlamentari. Si vota domenica 20 e lunedì 21 settembre 2020 per il referendum costituzionale confermativo relativo alla riduzione del numero dei parlamentari e per le elezioni suppletive del Senato della Repubblica, per le regionali e le comunali Su Eligendo tutti i dati su affluenza alle urne e voto Come accedere ai dati non gestiti dal Viminale "The use of cannabis is associated with increased risks of a number of adverse outcomes including educational delay, welfare dependence, increased risks of psychotic symptoms, major depression, increased risks of motor vehicle accidents, increased risks of other illicit drug use, and respiratory impairment," Ironside said. "The close result shows an unprecedented level of support for change in some form. Meanwhile, the final referendum result for supporting the End of Life Choice Bill is 65.1 per cent (down 0.1 per cent). Risultati referendum 2020: affluenza definitiva e proiezioni. President Vladimir Putin proposed the referendum during his address to the Federal Assembly on 15 January 2020. NZ Drug Foundation chair Tuari Potiki says the close result shows drug law should not be ruled out but acknowledges the cannabis legislation and control bill is unlikely to be put forward in its current form.

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