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guerre civili romane schema

Reprinted from 1584 edition. Lang: - Italian, Pages 320, Print on Demand. 20. Fold-outs, if any, are not part of the book. IL PRIMO SECOLO A.C. L’ETÀ DELLE GUERRE CIVILI I guerra civile (88-81 a.C.) Mario contro Silla II guerra civile (49-45 a.C.) Cesare contro Pompeo III guerra civile (43-31 a.C.) prima: 43-42 Ottaviano e Antonio contro Bruto e Cassio poi: 33-31 Ottaviano contro Antonio | Contact this seller Leatherbound. Fold-outs, if any, are not part of the book. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Sewing binding for longer life, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of binding. Pages: 412 Pages: 412. Sewing binding for longer life, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of binding. Condition: New. Condition: NEW. E-Book Klappenbroschur Kategorie. Roman Gods. 63-199 pág., y 48 h. [Sigue:] TRE LIBRI. Sewing binding for longer life, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of binding. (ROMA, RM, Italy), About this Item: Gregorio de Gregori, Venezia, 1524. Leatherbound. Leatherbound edition. Palau 13815. 8vo, 32 cc.nn., 308 cc. Edited by Gabba E. and Magnino D. Torino, 2001; paperback, pp. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden leaf printing on spine. Historia delle guerre esterne de' romani di Appiano Alessandrino parte prima seconda tradotta da m. Alessandro Braccio . (Delhi, India), About this Item: Hard Cover. Reprinted from 1538 edition. Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white. THERE MIGHT BE DELAY THAN THE ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE DUE TO COVID-19. La Pax Romana, detta anche Pax Augusti, è il lungo periodo di pace imposto sugli stati all’interno dell’Impero Romano grazie alla presa del potere da parte di Ottaviano Augusto e chiamata per questo anche Pax Augustea. THERE MIGHT BE DELAY THAN THE ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE DUE TO COVID-19. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Civili ( Appiano Alessandrino Delle guerre Ciuili de Romani ; [1] ) [Reprint] (1538) [Leatherbound]. IF YOU WISH TO ORDER PARTICULAR VOLUME OR ALL THE VOLUMES YOU CAN CONTACT US. 28. Battista Guerra, fratelli, in Venetia. If it is multi volume set, then it is only single volume, if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. THERE MIGHT BE DELAY THAN THE ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE DUE TO COVID-19. BRACCIO Alessandron translator 1445-1503. Id. E' SEVERAMENTE VIETATO LA RIPRODUZIONI DELLE MAPPE DI QUESTO SITO SU ALTRI BLOG, E UN EVENTUALE USO A SCOPO DI LUCRO dei contenuti presenti nel sito, è concesso l'uso ai fini scolastici e personali. Leatherbound edition. THERE MIGHT BE DELAY THAN THE ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE DUE TO COVID-19. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. Z-A. }; Delle guerre civili (et esterne) de'Romani ; 2 (1538) [Reprint] (1538) [Leatherbound]. {FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. Reprinted from 1730 edition. Condition: New. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Condition: NEW. THERE MIGHT BE DELAY THAN THE ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE DUE TO COVID-19. More information about this seller Capilettera ornati. Condition: New. Internally, ink tooling to board edges, text block edges yellowed, all text in Italic. (1730)[HARDCOVER]. More information about this seller As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. I Senatori erano gli unici ad avere cariche a vita, per cui era l'organo più potente. Condition: New. Venecia, 1563. Historia delle guerre esterne de' romani di Appiano Alessandrino parte prima seconda tradotta da m. Alessandro Braccio . Appiano Alessandrino delle guerre de' Romani, cosi esterne, come ciuili.. [Appianus, of Alexandria. (1551), From: One page with a spot, not affeceting text. Tell us what you're looking for and once a match is found, we'll inform you by e-mail. Dalla Gran Bretagna all'Iraq, un quarto della popolazione nasceva e moriva sotto le insegne dei cesari. Condition: NEW. 10. Seller Inventory # LB990000088687. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. If it is multi volume set, then it is only single volume, if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. IF YOU WISH TO ORDER PARTICULAR VOLUME OR ALL THE VOLUMES YOU CAN CONTACT US. Leatherbound. NO changes have been made to the original text. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. 2. La prima edizione delle "guerre esterne" era del 1502 (Roma, Silber). If it is multi volume set, then it is only single volume, if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. Reprinted from 1584 edition. | Contact this seller Seller Inventory # LB100454252588. 48. Battista Guerra fratelli, in Venetia, 1563. More information about this seller 14. Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white. I POPOLARI: volevano migliorare le condizioni di vita dei poveri GLI ARISTOCRATICI: sostenevano i privilegi dei ricchi Ogni partito, durante la 1^ guerra civile, ebbe come protagonista un generale Battista Guerra fratelli, in Venetia. Reprinted in (2020) with the help of original edition published long back (1538). IF YOU WISH TO ORDER PARTICULAR VOLUME OR ALL THE VOLUMES YOU CAN CONTACT US. Leatherbound edition. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. Solo la prima parte dell'opera, concepita in 3 diverse e distinte parti. Condition: New. Reprinted in (1791) with the help of original edition published long back (1791). Augusto proclamò l’inizio della Pax Romana nel 29 a.C., dopo la fine delle sanguinose guerre civili. (1538)[Leather Bound]. Pages: 174 Pages: 174. More information about this seller THERE MIGHT BE DELAY THAN THE ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE DUE TO COVID-19. (Delhi, India), About this Item: Pranava Books, 2020. Aldi Filil, Casa De' Figlivoli Di Aldo, Vinegia Pages: 532 Pages: 532. Each page is checked manually before printing. About this Item: Pranava Books, 2020. Leatherbound edition. Historia delle guerre esterne de' romani di Appiano Alessandrino parte prima seconda tradotta da m. Alessandro Braccio . Preis: Hoch bis Niedrig. Ed. 24. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. Lang: - Italian, Pages 320, Print on Demand. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. More information about this seller Condition: New. More information about this seller As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Pages: 414 Pages: 414. As these are old books, we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages are blur or missing or black spots. Each page is checked manually before printing. [1] Κελτοὶ ῾Ρωμαίοις ἐπεχείρησαν πρῶτοι, καὶ τὴν ῾Ρώμην εἷλον ἄνευ τοῦ Καπιτωλίου, καὶ ἐμπεπρήκασιν. More information about this seller Condition: New. Profili storici. Condition: New. NO changes have been made to the original text. 286, B; B, 191, B.; pergamena. Le guerre civili dei Romani libro 6 di Appiano Alessandrino Le guerre Galliche o guerre con i Celti. Leatherbound edition. This book is printed in black & white, sewing binding for longer life, Printed on high quality Paper, re-sized as per Current standards, professionally processed without changing its contents. Fold-outs, if any, are not part of the book. Pranava Books, 2020. CHOOSE ANY LEATHER COLOR OF YOUR CHOICE WITHOUT ANY EXTRA CHARGES, JUST OPEN "View Larger Image" BUTTON JUST BELOW THE BOOK IMAGE AND MAIL US YOUR CHOICE. Reprinted from 1584 edition. 15 cm. en pergamino, algo deslucido. Language: Italian. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. CHOOSE ANY LEATHER COLOR OF YOUR CHOICE WITHOUT ANY EXTRA CHARGES, JUST OPEN "View Larger Image" BUTTON JUST BELOW THE BOOK IMAGE AND MAIL US YOUR CHOICE. Chiose amanuensi ai margini. NO changes have been made to the original text. Vol 1, Vinegia, In Casa De'Figlivoli Di Aldo, 1551, Aldine device to titlepage, 258 leaves (a1-K2), printers device to verso final leaf, cropped to just above head title, occasional contemp. Storia romana - Lez 08 - Le guerre civili. NO changes have been made to the original text. Fold-outs, if any, are not part of the book. Libreria Anticuaria Farré Lang: -ita , Pages 413 , Print on Demand. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. Historia de España romana. Delle guerre de'Romani : cosi esterne come civili ; con l'historia della guerre Illirica, & di quella contra Annibale ; [1] [Reprint] (1584) [Leatherbound]. 1. More information about this seller 17. BRACCIO Alessandron translator 1445-1503. und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher, Kunst und Sammlerstücke erhältlich auf (II) 45 pág. Reprinted from 1545 edition. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden leaf printing on spine. Graesse I, 169. About this Item: 2018. | Contact this seller Condition: New. Fold-outs, if any, are not part of the book. (Barcelona, Spain), About this Item: Trad. Each page is checked manually before printing. In casa de' figliuoli di Aldo, In Vinegia, 1551. Reprinted from 1792 edition. Leatherbound edition. }; Delle guerre civili et esterne de Romani [Reprint] (1555) [Leatherbound]. Storia Romana Repubblicana - Le guerre civili e la fine della Repubblica Pages: 560 Pages: 560. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Id. Each page is checked manually before printing. Pages: 790 Pages: 790. Storia medievale. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. NO changes have been made to the original text. IF YOU WISH TO ORDER PARTICULAR VOLUME OR ALL THE VOLUMES YOU CAN CONTACT US. Storia romana - Lez 08 - Le guerre civili. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. 16.Goldsmid 379), 6 copies in UK institutions only. IF YOU WISH TO ORDER PARTICULAR VOLUME OR ALL THE VOLUMES YOU CAN CONTACT US. Our book has Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine. Magistrature romane schema. NO changes have been made to the original text. Pages: 442 Pages: 442. Each page is checked manually before printing. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. La guerra più lunga fu quella contro Cartagine, città fenicia fondata nell’814 a.C. sulle coste dell’Africa settentrionale. Lang: -Italian , Pages 320 , Reprinted in (2018) with the help of original edition published long back (1730). Some leaves with a dampstain at the corner. IF YOU WISH TO ORDER PARTICULAR VOLUME OR ALL THE VOLUMES YOU CAN CONTACT US. Mancanza del margine inferiore del frontis. prima guerra servile: nel 135 a.C.-132 a.C., in Sicilia, una rivolta di schiavi guidati da Euno, uno schiavo che si dichiarava profeta, e da Cleone di Cilicia;; seconda guerra servile: 102 a.C.-98 a.C., in Sicilia, rivolta guidata da Salvio e Atenione THERE MIGHT BE DELAY THAN THE ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE DUE TO COVID-19. Condition: New. Con diligenza corretto, et con nuoua tradottione di molti luoghi migliorato. Auf viele Romane können Sie sich auch als E-Book freuen. (ACQUI TERME, AL, Italy), About this Item: In casa de' figliuoli di Aldo, In Vinegia, 1551. Can't remember the title or the author of a book? ; Seller Inventory # PB1111006460693. Each page is checked manually before printing. Condition: NEW. Sewing binding for longer life, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of binding. IF YOU WISH TO ORDER PARTICULAR VOLUME OR ALL THE VOLUMES YOU CAN CONTACT US. Ltd. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. Pranava Books, 2020. NO changes have been made to the original text. Reprinted from 1567 edition. Nel 70 a.C. Pompeo e Crasso sono eletti consoli. monarchia ad alto contenuto carismatico, frutto delle guerre civili dell’ultimo secolo della repubblica e della grande ingegneria politica di Augusto. Leather Bound. Condition: Fair. Imperio romano. }; Seller Inventory # LB1111007195461. THERE MIGHT BE DELAY THAN THE ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE DUE TO COVID-19. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden leaf printing on spine. Sewing binding for longer life, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of binding. Tomo 1 2 Tomo 1 [Reprint] (1791)[Leatherbound]. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. Each page is checked manually before printing. Each page is checked manually before printing. Guerre puniche - Riassunto, schema e sintesi degli eventi Appunto di storia contenente un riassunto delle tre guerre puniche con le date più importanti. Reprinted in 2018 with the help of original edition published long back [1730]. 7) 205-168: Guerre Macedoniche: I guerra: la pace di Fenice (205): non cambia la situazione. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Segnatura: a-z8 A-I8 K2. More information about this seller In Venegia [Venice], Appresso Domenico de' Farri, 1555. If you purchase it, you will be able to include the full version of it in lessons and share it with your students. Condition: New. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. NO changes have been made to the original text. Civili. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. Condition: New. Hard Cover. Condition: NEW. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. Language: Italian Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden leaf printing on spine. [R.10804] Historia. Guerre civili (storia romana) - Wikipedia..Dai Gracchi a Silla: la guerra contro Mitridate e l'inizio della guerra civile.Dai Gracchi a Silla: la guerra contro Mitridate e l'inizio della guerra civile.Storia Romana : il primo Triumvirato.i romani.Storia Romana - Guerra civile tra Cesare e Pompeo (48 a.c. - 44 a.c.).Edpuzzle IF YOU WISH TO ORDER PARTICULAR VOLUME OR ALL THE VOLUMES YOU CAN CONTACT US. Con una ordinata e copio, Appresso Domenico e Gio. Each page is checked manually before printing. | Contact this seller 4 anni fa | 844 visualizzazioni. Palau 13815. Reprinted from 1730 edition. Solo la prima parte dell'opera, concepita in 3 diverse e distinte parti. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. (1567), From: We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Pages: 395 Pages: 395. Pages: 279 Pages: 279. Consoli 2. Pranava Books, 2020. Lang: -Italian , Pages 568 , Print on Demand. L'esercito Romano è stato uno degli eserciti più organizzati di tutta la storia dell'uomo. Leather Bound. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden leaf printing on spine. Appiano Alessandrino delle guerre civili de romani [Reprint] (1538)[Leatherbound]. NO changes have been made to the original text. If it is multi volume set, then it is only single volume, if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. As these are old books, we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases pages which are blur or missing or black spots. 23. | Contact this seller 16.Goldsmid 379), 6 copies in UK institutions only. Delle guerre civili (et esterne) de'Romani ; 1 (1545) [Reprint] (1545) [Leatherbound]. Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white. 2 parts in one volume. - Buy Appiano Alessandrino Delle Guerre Civili Et Esterne de Roman book online at best prices in India on Bibliografia: Renouard, I, p. 364. Reprinted from 1554 edition. 5. a.C. (Italia centrale), dopodiché si volse verso sud, impegnandosi nella guerra contro Taranto e altre colonie greche. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Le guerre civili romane furono 3 guerre, causate da divisioni fra fazioni interne, molto sanguinose e che deteriorarono la repubblica. 19. Each page is checked manually before printing. Seller Inventory # LB100454301701. Our book has Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine. Controstoria di Roma. Condition: New. Condition: NEW. Want your friend/colleague to use Blendspace as well? già da M. Aless. Condition: New. Condition: New. Assente la carta di guardia libera finale.Leggera ondulazione della carta ma, nel complesso, buon esemplare. Condition: New. IF YOU WISH TO ORDER PARTICULAR VOLUME OR ALL THE VOLUMES YOU CAN CONTACT US. La storia degli antichi Romani è divisa in tre periodi. More information about this seller Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white. con due forellini di tarlo e rinforzi al retro,marca tipografica ai frontespizi e alla fine dell'opera. underlining, Alessandro Braccesi - translator, contemp. Lang: -ita , Pages 413 , Print on Demand. CHOOSE ANY LEATHER COLOR OF YOUR CHOICE WITHOUT ANY EXTRA CHARGES, JUST OPEN "View Larger Image" BUTTON JUST BELOW THE BOOK IMAGE AND MAIL US YOUR CHOICE. Reprinted from 1538 edition. Alex Appianus ; trad. Legatura antica in piena pergamena. Historia delle guerre civili de' romani di Appiano Alessandrino. Battista Guerra. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. Condition: New. {FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white. Sewing binding for longer life, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of binding. About this Item: Pranava Books, 2020. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Lang: -Italian , Pages 275 , Print on Demand. Reprinted from 1555 edition. Reprinted from 1538 edition. | Contact this seller | Contact this seller Condition: ottimo. Seller Inventory # LB1111006460693. This book is Printed in black & white, sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour HARDCOVER {LEATHER BOUND EDITION WITH GOLDEN LEAF PRINTING ALSO AVAILABLE}, Printed on high quality Paper, re-sized as per Current standards, professionally processed without changing its contents. IF YOU WISH TO ORDER PARTICULAR VOLUME OR ALL THE VOLUMES YOU CAN CONTACT US. Battista Guerra, fratelli, in Venetia Paper Back. Leatherbound. Condition: New. NO changes have been made to the original text. Alone al margine superiore delle prime 12 carte e per la metà del primo e del secondo volume, qualche raro forellino di tarlo che non tocca il testo. | Contact this seller Gyan Books Pvt. Leather Bound. Condition: New. Condition: NEW. Seller Inventory # LB100454261269. About this Item: Pranava Books, 2020. Trad. IF YOU WISH TO ORDER PARTICULAR VOLUME OR ALL THE VOLUMES YOU CAN CONTACT US. THERE MIGHT BE DELAY THAN THE ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE DUE TO COVID-19. (I) 5 h., 47 pág. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Adaposturi pt civili au in orase, unu imens e sub un pasaj in Lucerna. Sewing binding for longer life, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of binding. IF YOU WISH TO ORDER PARTICULAR VOLUME OR ALL THE VOLUMES YOU CAN CONTACT US. Pages: 395 Pages: 395. 2 volumi, 15,5 cm, legatura fine settecento in cartone ricoperto da carta marmorizzata, titolo in oro su tasselli ai dorsi, tagli colorati; p. (48), 183, (1), 88; (64), 278, (2). Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. 1730 [Leather Bound]. THERE MIGHT BE DELAY THAN THE ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE DUE TO COVID-19. [Appianus. Alessandro Braccio. Published by DELLE GUERRE DE ROMANI, COSÍ ESTERNE, COME CIVILI. Edizione intermedia, fra la prima e la seconda giuntina (1520 e 1526), della traduzione dal greco dei testi di Appiano Alessandrino, qui divisi in due libri (Braccesi, che non sapeva il greco, tradusse dalla versione latina di Decembrio). THERE MIGHT BE DELAY THAN THE ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE DUE TO COVID-19. Battista Guerra. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Assente la carta di guardia libera finale.Leggera ondulazione della carta ma, nel complesso, buon esemplare. Ed. In order to access and share it with your students. Reprinted from 1554 edition. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. Reprinted from 1584 edition. Historia delle guerre civili de' romani di Appiano Alessandrino. {FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. Leatherbound. ; Delle guerre de'Romani : cosi esterne come civili ; con l'historia della guerre Illirica, & di quella contra Annibale ; [2] [Reprint] (1584) [Leatherbound]. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. About this Item: Pranava Books, 2020. Leatherbound. Appunto di Storia antica, con descrizione della crisi della Repubblica romana prima di Cesare e dell'epoca d'oro di Roma e dei primi due secoli dell'impero. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. Antiguo cerco de humedad. More information about this seller Condition: New. La crisi della repubblica romana - le trasformazioni politiche e sociali avutesi in seguito alle guerre di conquista; Le trasformazioni culturali nella repubblica romana - trasformazioni culturali e inizi della letteratura latina; Le trasformazioni economiche a Roma dopo le guerre di conquista - il latifondo e la manodopera servile; La classe dei cavalieri - i cavalieri: una nuova classe di ricchi Trad. Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white. | Contact this seller Each page is checked manually before printing.

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