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[41], In March 2015 Gentiloni visited Mexico and Cuba and met Cuban President Raúl Castro, ensuring the Italian support for the normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States. Moreover, Gentiloni was not known as a specialist in international diplomacy. Lo vuole il Colle", "Elezioni, Prodi sceglie Insieme e investe Gentiloni: "Con lui Paese è più forte, "Renzi: "Schiero la squadra migliore: Gentiloni e tutti i ministri nei collegi, "Gentiloni a Renzi: "Il Pd ha tanti candidati premier". [95], Despite many protests from the Five Star Movement and the Democratic and Progressive Movement, which accused Renzi and Gentiloni to have used the confidence vote in order to approve the law,[96] on 12 October the electoral law was approved by the Chamber of Deputies with 375 votes in favor and 215 against. Gentiloni set up good relations with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, UK Prime Minister Theresa May, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron. [26], Gentiloni held his office until January 2001, when Rutelli resigned to become the centre-left candidate to the premiership in the 2001 general election. Minniti: "Chi non sottoscrive regolamento è fuori, "MSF and Sea-Eye Suspend Migrant Rescues In Mediterranean Over Security Fears", "Italy's 'code of conduct' for NGOs refused by 6/8 charities", "Il governo manderà soldati italiani in Niger", "Italy PM plans to shift military forces from Iraq to Niger", "Legge elettorale, il 5 giugno in aula. Da piccolo l’ex premier ha ricevuto un’educazione cattolica tanto da fare il catechista insieme alla figlia di Aldo Moro. La Classifica dei Leader", "Gentiloni sempre n.1 in sondaggio Ixé su fiducia leader, ma Di Maio...", "L'Italia di Gentiloni e quella di Salvini: lo strano derby del gradimento", "Italian PM Gentiloni's heart procedure completely successful: doctors", "Italy's New Prime Minister in Intensive Care After Emergency Heart Procedure", "Gentiloni : "Grazie dell'affetto, sto bene e presto torno al lavoro, Official page at the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomies, Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats,, Democracy is Freedom – The Daisy politicians, Articles with Italian-language sources (it), Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 December 2020, at 13:56. Il 29 aprile 2010 è mancata all'affetto dei suoi cari la N.D. Chiara Gentiloni Silveri Fiore Affranti ne danno il triste annuncio il marito Mauro e l'adorato figlio Enrico con Chicca. [136] After Conte's resignation, the national board of the PD officially opened to the possibility of forming a new cabinet in a coalition with the M5S,[137] based on pro-Europeanism, green economy, sustainable development, fight against economic inequality and a new immigration policy. [127][128] However, due to the largely proportional electoral law, no political group or party won an outright majority, resulting in a hung parliament. Sono alcune delle priorità indicate dal commissario europeo all’Economia Paolo Gentiloni. On 29 December deputy ministers of the Democratic Party, New Centre-Right, as well as the Italian Socialist Party and Solidary Democracy, were appointed. No accordicchi, governo di svolta, "Conte wins crucial support for new Italian govt coalition", "Il Presidente Mattarella ha conferito l'incarico al Prof. Conte di formare il Governo", "Il giorno di Gentiloni, i ruoli Ue in mano al Partito democratico", Ue, Gentiloni lascia scranno Camera. [43][44][45] On the same day Gentiloni stated that "Italy will not be intimidated" and would continue the fight against terrorism. Lunedì la squadra", "Governo, Denis Verdini si sfila: "No fiducia a governo fotocopia, "Governo, Gentiloni ha la fiducia della Camera", "Governo Gentiloni, fiducia al Senato con 169 "sì". Nella Commissione Juncker gli ex premier erano 4, mentre le donne erano 9 su 28. [97], Paolo Gentiloni strongly supports European integration and a multi-speed Europe. Es el mensajero que hace las cuentas, traza las previsiones y lanza su diagnóstico. Paolo Gentiloni is on a leave of absence while he serves as the European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs. Paolo Gentiloni: "Sul Recovery Fund avanti anche senza Polonia e Ungheria" Il commissario europeo: "Non ci arrenderemo al veto, preoccupato ma fiducioso sull'intesa" Il comitato del neosegretario: "Siamo oltre il 67%. Solo due sono ex premier, il lettone Valdis Dombrovskis e l’italiano Paolo Gentiloni. [119] On 28 November he moved to Ivory Coast to participate at the EU–African Union summit. I renziani e il Pse, Io, la nonna Andreina, De Gregori e Ruini (nel ventennio berlusconiano), “A che ora nasce quest’anno Gesù bambino?”, La pandemia siamo noi. Il racconto che non c’era, in attesa del sequel, Marcucci non è un cavallo di Troia. Così stamattina, dopo aver letto la … Le esequie avranno luogo lunedì 3 maggio alle ore 10 nella chiesa di Santa Maria degli Angeli in P.zza della Repubblica. Paolo Gentiloni visited the United Arab Emirates, where he met in Abu Dhabi the crown prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Dubai Ruler Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. WhatsApp. Paolo Gentiloni: “I debiti non si cancellano”. [157] In August Lerner, who was among the founding members of the Democratic Party, left the party altogether, due to government's new immigration policies. Ue, Paolo Gentiloni bacchetta l'Italia: "La Manovra è senza coperture" L'Italia è sotto stretta osservazione dall'Europa per la Manovra. [99], In April 2017, he was invited to the White House by President Trump, where the two leaders discussed the serious crisis caused by the civil wars in Libya and Syria, the tensions with Vladimir Putin's Russia and their key partnership against the Islamic terrorism.[100][101]. [130][131], On 28 June 2018, during an interview to Lilli Gruber's Otto e mezzo, Gentiloni announced his intention to contribute the formation of a broad centre-left coalition, which was seen by many as an intention to run as next Prime Minister candidate for the centre-left. President Sergio Mattarella has been … They also signed six economic deals between the Italian Eni and the Russian Rosneft. "Supereremo veti sul Recovery" Paolo Gentiloni a Mezz’ora in più: “Italia semplifichi procedure per spendere i fondi europei”. In January 2015, he negotiated the release of Vanessa Marzullo and Greta Ramelli, two Italian students and activists who had been held hostage by Syrian terrorists for 168 days. "La clausola generale di salvaguardia rimarrà in vigore per tutto il 2021. In 2013, after Bersani's resignation as Secretary, Gentiloni supported the Mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi, in the Democratic Party leadership election. Facing growing public discontent and scrutiny by the Italian, Libyan, and EU authorities, MSF had to suspend its activities in the Mediterranean sea. Siccome qualcuno si è arrabbiato e mi ha insultato dicendo che racconto bugie (ma poi non mi ha saputo spiegare quali bugie), vorrei aggiungere altri due fatti circa coloro che sono stati scelti dal premier come i suoi più stretti collaboratori in fatto di politica estera e relazioni internazionali. Via libera al salva-Verdini", "Ue, Merkel: "Sì a Europa a due velocità". Laureato in Scienza Politica, negli anni ’70 è entrato nel Movimento Studentesco e successivamente nel Partito di Unità per il Comunismo. [50][51] Regeni's mutilated and half-naked corpse was found in a ditch alongside the Cairo-Alexandria highway on the outskirts of Cairo on February 3, 2016. On 1 May 2017, he went to Kuwait, where he had bilateral meetings with the Emir Sabah al-Ahmad and the crown prince Nawaf Al-Ahmad; later the premier visited the Italian soldiers stationed in Kuwait as part of the anti-ISIL coalition. [67][68], On 19 May 2017, the Council of Ministers, on the proposal of Prime Minister Gentiloni and Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin, approved a decree law containing urgent vaccine prevention measures that reintroduced the mandatory vaccination, bringing the number of mandatory vaccines from 4 to 12 and not allowing those who have not been vaccinated to attend school. Gentiloni was his predecessor's foreign secretary and accepted his new post "with reserve" after meeting president Sergio Mattarella on Sunday (11 December). Il premier Paolo Gentiloni ha incontrato la sindaca Chiara Appendino in occasione della sua visita a Torino. He was one of the 45 members of the national founding committee of the Democratic Party in 2007, formed by the union of the democratic socialists Democrats of the Left and the Christian leftist The Daisy. [60] Meanwhile, the centrist Liberal Popular Alliance (ALA), led by Denis Verdini, did not support the new cabinet because no member of the ALA was appointed as a minister. [138] The party also accepted that Conte may continue at the head of a new government,[139] and on 29 August President Sergio Mattarella formally invested Conte to do so. Come è noto, sentir dire che Renzi ha portato il Pd nel Pse mi suscita una certa, motivata, irritazione. [76] Gentiloni stated that he decided to abolish them, because he did not want to split the country in another referendum, after the December 2016 constitutional one. This summit was the first one for him and also for U.S. President Donald Trump, Prime Minister May, and President Macron. The two leaders discussed, among other things, about the March 2018 election in Italy. "India, il premier Modi riceve Gentiloni: "Ma perché l'Italia blocca gli Hare Krishna? The EU may need a further €1 trillion to overcome the economic fallout from the coronavirus crisis on top of emergency finance mechanisms already floated, said Paolo Gentiloni, European commissioner for economic and financial affairs. Titolo e sottotitolo mi sembrano piuttosto espliciti. [22], Gentiloni slowly abandoned far-left ideals, sharing more moderate views and becoming particularly involved in green politics and ecologism. ADVERTISEMENT . [165] On the same day he also received well wishes from President Sergio Mattarella, former Prime Ministers Matteo Renzi and Silvio Berlusconi, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.[166]. Il veto di Ungheria e Polonia va superato, bisogna andare avanti con il recovery plan … [39] He took office two months before Italy's rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union ended in December 2014. While in office, Gentiloni built up a series of close relations with the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf, based especially on commercial agreements regarding oil and offshore producing concessions. E con lui vanno giù duri Orfini, Camusso, Martina e tutta la sinistra", "Costruirò una alleanza per l'alternativa: ora dobbiamo cambiare tutte le face", "Pd, Gentiloni appoggia Zingaretti alla segreteria: "Coraggioso, è la maggiore novità, "Pd, Zingaretti: "C'è un'alternativa all'odio". Paolo Gentiloni Silveri è nato a Roma il 22 novembre 1954 sotto il segno dello Scorpione. [57] Such arrangements were relatively common in deadlocked elections starting in the late 1950s until 1966, when the Security Council was enlarged. [142], On 3 October, the EP's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs approved Gentiloni's nomination as new Economic Affairs Commissioner. Passato tra la sinistra stalinista. Paolo Gentiloni, stime Ue: crollo Pil Italia a -11,2% . [152][153], While traditionally supporting the social integration of immigrants, since 2017 Paolo Gentiloni has adopted a more critical approach on the issue. [81], During his premiership, Gentiloni and his Interior Minister, Marco Minniti, promoted stricter policies regarding immigration and public security, to reduce the number of immigrants toward Italy and to counteract the populist propaganda promoted by the far-right Northern League. [11][12], A descendant of Count Gentiloni Silveri, Paolo Gentiloni is related to the Italian politician Vincenzo Ottorino Gentiloni, who was the leader of the conservative Catholic Electoral Union and a key ally of the long-time Prime Minister Giovanni Giolitti. ", "Giuseppe Conte: Italy's next PM to form western Europe's first populist government", "Raggiunto l'accordo per un governo M5S-Lega con Conte premier", "Gentiloni: 'Vaccini obbligatori. [77], In March 2018, the unemployment rate was around 11%, lower than the previous years, and the percentage of unemployed young people was the lowest since 2011, at 31.7%. [155][156] These policies resulted in broad criticism from the left-wing Democrats and Progressives, PD's partners in the cabinet which later left the government's majority, as well as left-leaning intellectuals like Roberto Saviano and Gad Lerner. Crollo del Partito democratico. Lo ha ribadito il commissario europeo all'Economia Paolo Gentiloni al Financial Times. 51.3k Followers, 68 Following, 941 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Paolo Gentiloni (@paologentiloni) [64], On 24 March 2018, following the elections of the presidents of the two houses of the Italian Parliament, Roberto Fico (M5S) and Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati (FI), Gentiloni resigned his post to President Mattarella;[65][66] however he remained in office until 1 June, when Giuseppe Conte was sworn in as the new Prime Minister, at the head of a populist coalition composed by the M5S and the League. [71] The law also provided the refusal of end-of-life cares. In this legislature he was a member of the Committee regarding Transport and Telecommunications. Sata a-a navegassion Sata a-a serchia. On 24 November, Gentiloni visited Tunisia, where he met President Moncef Marzouki and Prime Minister Youssef Chahed, with whom he discussed the migrant crisis, the fight against terrorism and the Libyan Civil War. Mia nonna Andreina quando ero piccola mi diceva: “Lo … continua a leggere →, Ho scritto questo per i giornali locali del gruppo l’Espresso, Relazioni internazionali. [140] On 5 September 2019 the new government sworn in and, on the same day, during the first Council of Ministers, Gentiloni was proposed as the Italian-backed European Commissioner in the Von der Leyen Commission. "Il Mes non spaventi". Tagged lettera di renzi a repubblica, matteo renzi, paolo gentiloni, pd nel pse, pse, sandro gozi I muscoli del capitano – (Titanic, 1982) Scintillante bellezza, fosforo, fantasia: De Gregori conosce i desideri di una donna sugli uomini meglio di una donna, o forse è più bravo a chiamarli per nome. [108] Gentiloni stated that "Italy can be a key protagonist in this great operation: it is a great opportunity for us and my presence here means how much we consider it important. [86], In December 2017, the Gentiloni announced the peacekeeping mission which consists in the sending of 450 soldiers in Niger, to help the local forces in the fight against migrants' traffickers and Islamic terrorism. Le esequie avranno luogo lunedì 3 maggio alle ore 10 nella chiesa di Santa Maria degli Angeli in P.zza della Repubblica. Mezzogiorno e ceti medi impoveriti: nella sua dichiarazione programmatica – asciutta ma ambiziosa, non certo le parole del capo di un governo “elettorale” ma quelle di un premier con un solido mandato del Quirinale – è stato soprattutto su queste due priorità che il presidente Paolo Gentiloni ha dato motivo di sperare che il disagio sociale espressosi domenica con la bocciatura della riforma Boschi possa trovare ascolto nel nuovo esecutivo e garantire la necessaria discontinuità rispetto a una stagione politica sonoramente bocciata dalle urne. Sweden: … [62] On the following day the government also won a confidence vote in the Senate of the Republic, with 169 votes for and 99 against.[63]. E non è lui il problema del Pd, Perché me la prendo coi puntacazzisti (con rispetto parlando), Quegli strani calendiani. Ho scritto questo per i giornali locali del gruppo l’Espresso (Il Tirreno, La Gazzetta di Mantova, Libertà, Il Mattino di Padova, Il Piccolo, La Gazzetta di Reggio, La Gazzetta di Modena, Il Messaggero Veneto, La Nuova Sardegna, La Nuova Venezia e altri). [46], In December 2015, Gentiloni hosted a peace conference in Rome with the representatives from both governments of Libya involved in the civil war, but also from the United Nations, the United States and Russia. Boschi sottosegretario", "Governo Gentiloni, il ministro scelto da Mattarella: "Stessa maggioranza, gli altri non ci stanno". [28] From 2005 until 2006, he was Chairman of the Broadcasting Services Watchdog Committee; the committee oversees the activity of state broadcaster RAI, which is publicly funded. Paolo Gentiloni, commissario dell’Unione Europea agli Affari economici – Cassa integrazione europea, l'Italia chiede l'attivazione del SURE per 28,5 miliardi di euro . Team. [74], In March 2017 the government abolished the use of labour vouchers, bonds of the redeemable transaction type which are worth a certain monetary value and which may be spent only for specific reasons or on specific goods, commonly one-off labour services. Presentate dal commissario Ue per l'Economia, Paolo Gentiloni, le nuove previsioni circa l'impatto del covid sull'economia in Italia e nell'Ue. [79], A major problem faced by Gentiloni upon becoming Prime Minister in 2016 was the high levels of illegal immigration to Italy. Minniti all'Interno. Paolo Gentiloni. Complessivamente, un po’ poco, a fronte di tanti messaggi contrari, a volte goffamente e inspiegabilmente contrari, trasmessi in queste prime ore: la nascita del nuovo governo è stata una specie di monumento all’autoreferenzialità. "[40] The following day Gentiloni was threatened by ISIL, which accused him of being a crusader, minister of an enemy country. [73], The Catholic Church, led by Pope Francis, did not put up major objections to the living will law, saying that a balance needed to be struck with the prevention of excessive treatment or therapeutic obstinacy.

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