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[43] Darkseid also has additional powers of telepathy and telekinesis, and he can create psionic avatars. ダークサイド(英: Darkseid)は、DCコミックスの出版するアメリカン・コミックスに登場する架空のスーパーヴィラン。ジャック・カービーによって創造され、1970年の"Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #134"で初登場した[1]。, ダークサイドはアポコリプスの支配者ユガ・カーン(英語版)と女王ヘグラ(英語版)の第二子「ユクサス」として誕生した。ユクサスは、オメガフォースの実験を行っていた兄のドラックスを殺害し代わりに能力を得る。この時に石のような肌へと変化していき、名前を「ダークサイド」へと変える。ユガ・カーンがソースウォールに囚われ不在になるとヘグラが支配者となるが、ダークサイドはヘグラを殺害してアポコリプスの君主となる[2]。, アポコリプスの科学者スリとの間にカリバック(英語版)を、ティグラとの間にオライオンをもうけるが、オライオンはアポコリプスと敵対するニュージェネシスとの和平交渉のために、ハイファーザーの息子スコット・フリー(英語版)と交換する[3]。, ダークサイドはオリュンポスの神々の力に興味を抱き、彼らが保護する隠された島セミッシラへ侵攻している。セミッシラに住むアマゾン族はパラデーモンの部隊と戦闘になり、人口の半分を失う被害を受けている[4]。, ダークサイドの目的は自由意志の排除、宇宙の再構築としている。また、あらゆる生命体の思考と感情を完全に操る「反生命方程式(Anti-Life Equation)」を研究している。, ダークサイドはDCユニバースの中で最も強力な存在の1つであり、彼の計り知れない力、強固な意志、狡猾な知性、神として彼を崇拝する軍事力によってアポコリプスの全域を征服した。ダークサイドは元々は他のニューゴッドと同様に数多のニューゴッドの1人でしかなかったが、オメガエフェクトの能力を得たことでその存在は絶対的なものとなった。ニューゴッドたちはいわゆる神として認知されており、第四世界と呼ばれる通常の時空の外に位置する領域に存在している。彼らの強さはその特異な存在そのものと、不思議なエネルギーとの密接な関係からきている。, ダークサイドはオメガエフェクトと呼ばれるエントロピーの破壊的なエネルギーを操り、それを様々な形で使うことでその強さを確固たるものにしている。オメガビームはオメガエフェクトの最も破壊的な用途の1つである。両目から放たれるこのビームは対象に向かって直進や湾曲、屈曲させることが可能で、直撃した対象を原子レベルで分解、消滅、変成、転送させることができる。オメガサンクションは生物を代替現実に取り込み生き地獄のような苦しみを与える。, 反生命方程式は感覚を持つ生物に潜在的に存在する精神を完全に制御するための公式であり、人間の無意識の中に方程式の一部が存在すると信じられている。ダークサイドは生命の過程が方程式として成り立つのであれば、その逆の方程式も存在すると考えた。孤独・憎しみ・恐怖・絶望といった人間が持つ感情、裏切り・拷問・非難・嘘といった他人を制御するために使用される手段はすべて反生命方程式の一部であると考えられており、生命が無意味なものであるという証明に帰結する。, グリーンランタン - リーグ・オブ・エクストラオーディナリー・ジェントルメン - サンドマン - ジャスティス・リーグ (カテゴリ) - ジャスティス・ソサエティ・オブ・アメリカ - ジョナ・ヘックス - スワンプシング - ウォッチメン - Vフォー・ヴェンデッタ - アウトサイダーズ - バーズ・オブ・プレイ - スーサイド・スクワッド - ティーン・タイタンズ - ゴッサム・シティ・サイレンズ - プロメテア, アメリカン・コミックス - DCコミックス - スーパーヒーロー - アトランティス, グリーンアロー - バットマン: ダークナイト・リターンズ - バットマン: ダークナイト・ストライクス・アゲイン - ジャスティス, インベージョン! (A prequel to "Only Ashes Remain" and "From the Ashes") Justice League - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 998 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 5 - Published: 5/23/2016 - Zatanna Z. Superman (real name Kal-El) is a villain in the alternate-reality storyline known as "The Dark Side", a dystopian re-imagining of Superman's origin in which he landed on the hell-like planet of Apokolips instead of Earth, thus being raised by the all-powerful "god of evil" within DC lore, Darkseid. I'll keep you by my side ダークサイドがイラスト付きでわかる! 物事の「闇」の部分のこと。 概要 ダークサイド(Darkside、Dark Side)とは、主に物事の「闇」、あるいは「陰(かげ)」の部分という意味で用いられる言葉である。元祖はおそらくスター・ウォーズシリーズ。 The mini-series showed an alternate reality where Kal-El's rocket was diverted from Earth to Apokolips, where he was raised and controlled by Darkseid. Originally, towards the beginning of the tenth season, his eyes were bluish white, but as the season progressed, they were changed to dark red. Furthermore, the last piece of Darkseid's plan fails when Batman, thanks to the actions of the new Batman (Dick Grayson), Red Robin (Tim Drake), Robin (Damian Wayne), and the Justice League, is able to return safely to the present, consuming the Omega Energy in his body without damaging the time-stream further, thus becoming the second individual, along with Mister Miracle, to escape the Omega Sanction. Wonder Woman (having been freed from possession by one of Darkseid's minions) then uses her lasso of truth to bind Darkseid's spirit form, effectively freeing humanity from the Anti-Life Equation and being controlled by Darkseid. A native of the planet Krypton, The Man of Steel came to Earth as a child, where he was raised by human parents, the yellow sun if our solar system gives him incredible powers, including super strength, flight, heat vision, and super hearing. Darkseid é um personagem fictício e um supervilão poderoso que aparece nas histórias em quadrinhos publicadas pela editora americana DC Comics, geralmente descrito como uma das maiores ameaças do Universo DC. Metron used a wheelchair, the Black Racer was an old white man in a wheelchair, DeSaad was an evil psychiatrist, Granny Goodness was a pimp (or "madam") for the Female Furies and Darkseid himself was now an evil gang leader who is referred to only as "Boss Dark Side". 6 SUPERMAN: THE DARK SIDE No, this isn’t a Superman/Star Wars crossover. In Flash (vol. It is revealed that Darkseid actually gave the Sheeda North America in return for Aurakles, Earth's first superhero. The son of King Yuga Khan and Queen Heggra, Prince Uxas, second in line to the throne of Apokolips, plotted to seize power over the planet. Marvel's Squadron Supreme was created to be an intentional pastiche of DC's Justice League. Faster than a speeding bullet, Superman is the world's most powerful superhero. Once again bound to the form of a human, "Boss Dark Side" began to appear in a number of titles in the run up to Final Crisis. - Complete Demi-gods are capable of slowly rejuvenating Darkseid but a god (such as Zeus) can return Darkseid back to his original form by draining them. During the Final Crisis, Darkseid used his Omega Beams to grant power to Mary Marvel, and her powers afterwards were based on Anti-Life rather than magic. Marvel's Squadron Supreme was created to be an intentional pastiche of DC's Justice League. The power transformed him into a rock-like creature, upon which he took the name Darkseid. This eventually turned out to be a setback for Darkseid, with his biological son growing up to value and defend the ideals of New Genesis as a powerful champion in opposition to his father. Darkseid had briefly been forced by his mother to marry Tigra, with whom he also had a son. His sadism was perfectly obvious from the brutal way he treated the residents and slaves of Apokolips. Darkseid's strength is depicted as immensely high, effortlessly breaking a Green Lantern Ring with his bare hands. Unto the hell that is Apokolips came Darkseid, pure hatred personified, a merciless tyrant who demanded unwavering devotion and abject fear from all his subjects. It was published in 1998 by DC Comics as one of their "Elseworlds" titles. The character was ranked as the 6th Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time by IGN and as the 23rd Greatest Villain of All Time by Wizard magazine. While Darkseid is a deity and immortal, having lived for several hundred thousand years, he is not invincible and has been killed on several occasions.[44]. The New Gods fled to Earth, where they hid. In Darkseid #1, his background story was revealed. For context, the Death of Superman storyline took place in DC Comics from 1992-93 across four Superman titles, which saw "The Man of Steel" die in a battle with the new villain Doomsday. Refusing to aid Darkseid in his mad quest, the Amazons battled his Parademon troops, causing half of the Amazon population's death. The Jedi Temple has been invaded! Who would come for him?" The issue also reveals DeSaad and Steppenwolf, referring to Darkseid's daughter and their ceaseless search for her across countless worlds. Five years later, Darkseid once again invades Earth 2, which never fully recovered from his armies' earlier assault, and it is revealed that he and Highfather of New Genesis struck a deal allowing him the unchallenged right to invade Earth 2. He will sometimes use this as punishment upon those who fail him but are too valuable to kill outright. The son of King Yuga Khan and Queen Heggra, Prince Uxas, second in line to the throne of Apokolips, plotted to seize power over the planet. Auf der Liste der Top 100 Comic-Schurken aller Zeiten (IGN) belegt Darkseid den sechsten Platz. Darkseid worked behind the scenes, using superpowered minions in his schemes to overthrow Earth, including working through Intergang, a crime syndicate which employs Apokoliptian technology and later morphed into a religious cult that worships Darkseid as the god of evil. The prophecy foretold that Darkseid would meet his final defeat at the hands of his son in a cataclysmic battle in the fiery Armaghetto of Apokolips. Darkseid is the ruler of Apokolips and Darkseid's Elite and was a major player in the cosmic war that was the Final Crisis. Darkseid then reloads the gun that was used to shoot him, to kill Orion by way of firing the bullet backwards in time (a move Superman deems to be suicide due to the paradoxical nature of his actions: the bullet used to kill Orion is ultimately fired at him by Batman and is now poisoning him to death). It's understandable if you're operating in a cloud of mild confusion. After murdering his mother, Darkseid ordered Tigra to eliminate their son, Orion, who was switched with the Highfather's son, Scott Free, so as to keep peace between New Genesis and Apokolips.[11]. Lost on Earth, Superman begins to develop guilt for what he did to the New Gods, and slowly becomes a hero. His eyes and the cracks in his skin glow with white or red light. When Kalibak sees just who it is Darkseid is torturing, the lord of Apokolips confirms the man's identity before saying, "He made a mistake." When they take a Boom Tube to Manila, Philippines, Zeus grabs onto Darkseid and unleashes bolts of lightning on him. In Teen Titans #59, it was revealed that he had employed the Terror Titans to capture the Teen Titans and use them in his club fights. After killing the Anti-Monitor using an Anti-Life Equation-powered Steve Trevor, Grail would later resurrect Darkseid through the newborn child of Superwoman. But what if Kal-Els spaceship landed on Apokolips instead? [25] He is later mentioned again in Justice League #2,[26] and in Justice League #3 Darkseid makes his first appearance in the series, seen in a vision by Victor Stone after he is injured by an exploding Mother Box. Never trying to hide his cruelty and malice, he sought to conquer the universe and rule over all with an iron fist. Darkseid (ursprünglich Uxas) ist ein intergalaktischer Eroberer und Herrscher über den Planeten Apokolips. A dark figure calls to him from the rubble, saying on his earth, Superman was known as Clark Kent. Darkseid is among the most powerful beings of the DC Universe from the race known as New Gods. What if he was raised by the Dark guardian Darkseid? The resurrection backfires, and instead creates a new being known as the Omega Man. "Originally published in single magazine form as Superman: the dark side 1-3"--Title page verso. Darkseid wins control over Turpin's body, now twisted in a close copy of his Apokoliptan former appearance, and wearing an updated version of his battle armor. Like Reeve (as in Christopher), Reeves (as in George), born in 1914 in Iowa (per Biography), started out as an actor. One thousand years in the future, Darkseid has been absent for centuries and is almost completely forgotten. Reign of the Supermen (2019 Movie) Darkseid Tony Todd. I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon After all I knew it had to be something to do with you I really don't mind what happens now and then As long as you'll be my friend at the end If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman? He was acting in Pasadena when he was 21, and scored his … It was published in 1998 by DC Comics as one of their " Elseworlds " titles. The mini-series showed an alternate reality where Kal-El's rocket was diverted from Earth to Apokolips, where he was raised and controlled by Darkseid. Superman: The Dark Side is the title of 3 issue limited comic books series. Superman: The Dark Side is the title of 3 issue limited comic books series. $15.99. Also, Orion and Diana were able to deflect them, Firestorm once used his powers to redirect them and in a crossover story, Galactus was unaffected by them. Superman: The Dark Side was originally published in standard format comic book from August to October 1998. Regardless, Darkseid anticipated that Scott would make such a move and used its occurrence as a pretext to declare the treaty with New Genesis abrogated and resume armed conflict. This never comes to fruition and Darkseid is either returned to or retrieved by Grail. Remains believed to be Batman's (later revealed to be the last of the many Batman clones that Darkseid created) are found by Superman, who confronts Darkseid. In this new timeline, Darkseid's name is first invoked by a Parademon in Justice League #1. [42] As the ruler of Apokolips, Darkseid has access to all of its military and technological resources. Grail later attempts to redeem herself by seemingly killing Darkseid with the Anti-Life Equation. His everlasting goal is the utter domination and enslavement of all life in creation, when all is ordered according to his will. Darkseid then gains the fullest of his power, his "fall" having the effect of compressing and crumpling space-time around Earth. If they did marry, Diana would be Kalibak and Orion's stepmother. The story relates the Superman story imagining he had landed on Apokolips instead of Earth. Elseworlds - Series 4 Released in 2007 by DC Direct . This is not the case. Darkseid is able to drain the life force of other godly beings in order to rejuvenate himself and/or return to his full power. The character was originally designed to be the chief antagonist of the titles Forever People, Mister Miracle and New Gods, but after the cancellation of these titles, he continued to appear as a major villain in many DC Universe comic books, fighting both Superman and Batman. SUPERMAN: THE DARK SIDE examines the sinister ramifications of Superman's escape pod landing on the war-torn planet of Apokolips instead of in the Midwestern cornfields of Earth. With Darkseid dead, the universe is unbalanced as it has lost its God of Evil. Darkseid muses if Superman has begun to soften before Kalibak asks to take a war party to personally investigate. 1843. He is said to be a powerful Leader of the Intergalactic Underworld. Darkseid's second born son was surrendered to Highfather, while Darkseid received Scott Free. He has great physical strength, invulnerability, and Omega Beams, which are a vision power that is immensely powerful and can even do considerable damage to a Bronze Age Kryptonian. In the Injustice Annual, Darkseid hires the bounty hunter Lobo to go to Earth and kill Superman in retaliation for the death of Kalibak at the Man of Steel's hands. In his true form, Darkseid has a tall, cracked rock-like body. After killing A.R.G.U.S. He had a special interest in Earth, as he believed humans possess collectively within their minds most, if not all, fragments of the Anti-Life Equation. superman the dark side 3@3 superman bizzaro world mann and superman superman for all seasons elseworlds first printings deluxe format free shipping want more photos or have questions?message me! Darkseid (dɑːksaɪd[senza fonte]), noto come il "Tiranno di Apokolips", è un personaggio immaginario dei fumetti della DC Comics, creato da Jack Kirby (testi e disegni) e Al Plastino (disegni) per le pagine di Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen n. 134 (dicembre 1970). Shipping is $8.00 for priority flat-rate domestic mail which includes tracking and $50.00 insurance. These beams stem from a cosmic energy source called the "Omega Effect". Darkseid ... Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020 Movie) Darkseid Tony Todd. Love and loss on Krypton, courtesy of the artist Mike Kelley. $79.95. Superman was taken to the limit and eventually left for dead/killed by the monster. Before Darkseid can use the Omega Effect to kill Superman, Barry Allen and Wally West lead the Black Racer to Darkseid and making contact with him frees Turpin from Darkseid's control. When Zeus appears and transforms into his true form, Darkseid fights the Olympian God, destroying their surroundings in their brawl. His monstrous strength is unparalleled by almost anybody, except Superman, who has proven to be almost as powerful. Superman: The Dark Side Paperback – June 1, 1999 by John Francis Moore (Author), Kieron Dwyer (Illustrator) › Visit Amazon's Kieron Dwyer Page Find all the books, read about the author, and more. Read Superman: The Dark Side Comic Online. With his legion of followers and allies aiding him as he undergoes his latest "rebirth", Darkseid successfully conquers the Earth with the unleashing of the Anti-Life Equation onto mankind. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Gallery 4 Others Darkseid is one of the most powerful New Gods and the tyrannical ruler of Apokolips, an archetypal world beyond the boundaries of time and space. During his efforts to secure the Equation, he encountered and battled many of Earth's superhe… The dark side of George Reeves' Superman. View-Add to Collection-Add to Wishlist-Contribute. He then allows Kalibak to go, bidding him to kill the Kryptonian and take the Earth. He can also increase his physical size. Superman: The Dark Side » Superman: The Dark Side #3 - Superman: The Dark Side - Book Three of Three released by DC Comics on October 1, 1998. Hulton Archive/Getty Images. However, this attraction to her may be based solely on lust and not for any kind of romantic feelings. Superman quantity Add to cart Superman Description Description Laser burned coaster.The coasters are approximately 4 in. [40] His Omega Sanction traps organisms in a series of alternate realities, each one worse than the previous. Wonder Woman (Amazonia) Elseworlds - Series 4 Released in 2007 by DC Direct . However, at the same moment Shilo Norman, the "Embodiment of Freedom" is shot by S.H.A.D.E. Darkseid and Superman have always been enemies, except in 1998's "Superman: The Dark Side." [1] He is the tyrannic ruler of the planet Apokolips whose ultimate goal is to conquer the universe by eliminating all hope and free will in sentient beings. In Birds of Prey #118, he runs his Dark Side Club where superhumans fight to the death, brainwashed by drugs produced by Bernadeth. Il a été créé par Jack Kirby, originellement comme élément de la série de comics du Quatrième Monde (The Fourth World) au début des années 1970.

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