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battaglia di tunisi 1943

In July 1942, the Allies discussed relatively small-scale amphibious operations to land in northern France during 1942 (Operation Sledgehammer, which was the forerunner of Operation Roundup, the main landings in 1943), but agreed that these operations were impractical and should be deferred. The reorganised US II Corps advanced from the passes again and got behind the Axis lines; the 10th Panzer Division counter-attacked at the Battle of El Guettar on 23 March. Dopo lunghe discussioni e forti contrasti tra i dirigenti delle due potenze, infine il Presidente statunitense Franklin Roosevelt diede il suo consenso nonostante la persistente ostilità dei principali generali americani, soprattutto per la sua volontà di dare la priorità alla sconfitta della Germania nazista e per il suo desiderio di far entrare in campo il prima possibile le truppe americane. The French had earlier constructed a 20 kilometres (12 mi) wide and 30 kilometres (19 mi) deep series of defensive works known as the Mareth Line along the plain, to defend against an Italian invasion from Libya. Le formazioni francesi erano costituite da truppe disciplinate ma prive di carri moderni; i reparti panzer tedeschi, veterani ed equipaggiati anche con alcuni carri ultimo modello, ebbero la meglio nonostante la coraggiosa resistenza delle unità mobili della Brigade Légère Mécanique che furono costrette ad abbandonare il valico e ripiegare verso ovest per circa venti chilometri[12]. Nella disperata battaglia si distinsero per valore e combattività i bersaglieri del 7º Reggimento bersaglieri, impegnati in durissimi scontri corpo a corpo contro le truppe alleate: il colonnello Luigi Bonfatti, comandante del reggimento, cadde in combattimento mentre guidava i suoi bersaglieri all'assalto delle posizioni americane. Il 1º febbraio, dopo una strenua resistenza, i francesi dovettero abbandonare la posizione e i panzer tedeschi occuparono passo Faid, che dava accesso alla vallata a ovest della Dorsale orientale; reparti americani della 1ª Divisione corazzata accorsero in sostegno ma non cercarono di contrattaccare e si schierarono intorno a Sidi Bou Zid[20]. Major-General Count Theodor von Sponeck, commander of the 90th Light Division, had surrendered unconditionally to the 2nd New Zealand Division, after threatening to fight till the last round. 11th Brigade tried to regain the initiative in the early hours of 28 November, attacking toward Djedeida airfield with the help of US armour, but failed. Sorsero subito notevoli contrasti riguardo alle aree di sbarco del corpo di spedizione alleato; gli americani temevano un possibile contrattacco tedesco attraverso Gibilterra o un intervento in guerra a fianco dell'Asse della Spagna e quindi proposero di effettuare lo sbarco principale sulla costa atlantica del Marocco. Occupazione temporanea della Tunisia da parte alleata. General Alexander gave Montgomery a holding task and transferred the British 7th Armoured Division, the 4th Indian Infantry Division and the 201st Guards Motor Brigade from the Eighth Army to the First Army, joining the British 1st Armoured Division which had been transferred before the main offensive. The Free French suffered 19,439 casualties; 2,156 killed, 10,276 wounded and 7,007 missing. The Axis forces would control the two natural entrances into Tunisia in the north and south, with only the easily defensible mountain passes between them. [96] From 18 January to 13 February, the Luftwaffe lost another 100 aircraft but Italian losses are unknown. The Eighth Army was soon pushed back to Gazala west of Tobruk and at the Battle of Gazala in May 1942, the Axis pushed them all the way back to El Alamein, only 160 km (100 mi) from Alexandria. However, the air support could not be sustained and the defenders of Sbeitla were obliged to withdraw and the town lay empty by midday on 17 February. At the Casablanca Conference, it had been decided to appoint General Sir Harold Alexander as Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Allied forces in French North Africa. De Gaulle quickly eclipsed Giraud, who openly disliked political responsibility and more or less willingly from then on deferred to the Leader of the Free French. [73] The final attack by Lang's battered force was stopped at Hunt's Gap by the 128th Infantry Brigade of the 46th Infantry Division with substantial artillery, RAF air cover and two squadrons of Churchill tanks from the North Irish Horse under command. Il kampfgruppe Weber ripresa l'avanzata il 21 gennaio 1943 verso Pichon ("operazione Eilbote II") ma, dopo qualche successo, questa volta i tedeschi furono fermati dall'intervento della 36ª brigata britannica e del Combat Command B della 1ª Divisione corazzata statunitense al comando del colonnello Robinett; combattimenti dall'esito alterno continuarono fino al 27 gennaio quando i tedeschi, in inferiorità numerica, rinunciarono ad attaccare Pichon e ripiegarono verso est[17][18]. The Italian invasion of Egypt by the 10th Army in 1940, advanced 97 km (60 mi) into Egypt and more than 1,600 km (1,000 mi) in a straight line from Tripoli, 600 km (370 mi) from Benghazi and 320 km (200 mi) from Tobruk. The Allies consisted of British Imperial Forces, including a Greek contingent, with American and French corps. Le forze italiane comprendevano il XX Corpo d'armata al comando di Taddeo Orlando e il XXI del generale Paolo Berardi. [97] During the remainder of February to 28 March, 156 allied planes were lost. The Germans attacked twice and were repulsed, but the French defensive success was costly, and lacking armour and artillery, the French had to withdraw. Rommel was appointed to command the new Army Group Africa on 23 February. XXX Corps prepared a new attack towards Tallouf, in which the 4th Indian Infantry Division (Major-General Francis Tuker) was to make a night attack on 23/24 March, around the inland end of the line. [43] Several counterattacks were organised, including a belated attack by Combat Command B of the US 1st Armored Division but all of these were beaten off with ease by Arnim's forces which by this time had created strong defensive positions. A partire della notte 5 maggio la 1ª Divisione corazzata e la 3ª Divisione fanteria statunitensi, dopo aver conquistato Djebel Ichkeul, riuscirono ad avanzare attraverso i settori tenuti da truppe tedesche e il 12 maggio il generale Theodor Graf von Sponeck, comandante della 90. leichte Afrika-Division, si arrese a Bernard Freyberg. [93] From 1 to 12 December, the Luftwaffe flew 1,000 sorties and lost 37 aircraft, including nine on the ground, while the Italians recorded the loss of ten more. battaglia di el-alamein ( 2 ) 2a guerra mondiale > > qui > 1943 - genn. The 21st Panzer battlegroup at Sbiba was making no progress. This would ensure the success of the initial landings in spite of uncertainty as to how the incumbent French forces would react. The chronic difficulty in the supply of military forces in the desert led to several indecisive victories by both sides and long fruitless advances along the coast. In four days, it succeeded in recapturing all lost ground and took 850 German and Italian prisoners. Fredendall did not respond to the French request to send reinforcements in the form of tanks from 1st Armored Division and after desperate resistance, the under-equipped French defenders were overrun. [99] From 22 April to the end of the campaign, 45 bombers and 110 fighters were lost; 12 bombers and 47 fighters of the RAF, the USAAF losing 32 bombers and 63 fighters, while the French lost 1 bomber. On 24 December, François Darlan was assassinated and Henri Giraud succeeded him as High Commissioner. General Eisenhower transferred further units from Morocco and Algeria eastward into Tunisia. He held this opinion for far too long, and it would prove very costly. [6] To forestall this, it would be necessary to occupy Tunisia as quickly as possible after the landings were made. However, on 27 November the Germans attacked in strength. I cospiratori quindi furono colti di sorpresa dall'inizio dell'operazione Torch e non furono in grado di coordinare le loro azioni con le truppe d'invasione anglo-americane[6]. In January, those parts of the German-Italian Panzer Army on the Mareth defences were renamed First Italian Army (General Giovanni Messe), separate from the units (including the remains of the Afrika Korps) he had facing the Western Dorsale. British and Commonwealth forces reported 150,000 Axis POWs taken in the German-held sector from 5 May – 12 June. Let nothing pass" but very few Axis ships even attempted passage. Giraud refused to have the French XIX Corps under the command of the British First Army and so they, along with the US II Corps, remained under command of Allied Force Headquarters (AFHQ). In Hitler's view, Tunisia could be held indefinitely, upsetting Allied plans in Europe. The Tunisian campaign (also known as the Battle of Tunisia) was a series of battles that took place in Tunisia during the North African campaign of the Second World War, between Axis and Allied forces. II US Corps would make a double thrust: one to capture the high ground on V Corps' left flank and a second toward Bizerte. Il ripiegamento di Rommel, cominciato dopo la sconfitta delle forze dell'Asse a El-Alamein, si sarebbe poi concluso in Tunisia, con la caduta di Tunisi il 13 maggio 1943. Infine le truppe italo-tedesche riuscirono dopo alterne vicende a occupare il 9 febbraio 1943 anche il valico di Maknassy; gli americani si ritirarono a Gafsa[21]. Frontal attacks by the GMC and Stuarts were ineffective losing 12 tanks, but allowed a rear attack by B Squadron firing into the weaker rear armour of the German tanks. Admiral Cunningham, Eisenhower's Naval Task Force commander, issued Nelsonian orders to his ships: "Sink, burn, capture, destroy. Il comando operativo delle forze italo-tedesche passò nelle mani del generale Hans-Jürgen von Arnim. On their right flank, the basis of a two-division French XIX Corps (General Alphonse Juin) was assembling.[37]. The 10th Panzer Division rapidly lost 30 tanks and retreated out of the minefield. The Americans likewise studied the battle and relieved several senior commanders while issuing several "lessons learned" publications to improve future performance. Il 26 dicembre risulta schierata a sud di Tunisi. [32] By the evening of 2 December, Blade Force had been withdrawn, leaving 11th Brigade and Combat Command B to deal with the Axis attack. French XIX Corps would be held back until IX Corps and Eighth Army had drawn in the opposition and then advance toward Pont du Fahs. 1 Commando landed 23 km (14 mi) west of Bizerte on 30 November to outflank the Jefna position, but failed and rejoined 36th Brigade by 3 December. No Axis ships sailing to Tunis were sunk in November but the Allied naval forces had some success in early December sinking seven Axis transports. With the arrival of the German Afrika Korps, the Axis counter-attacked in Operation Sonnenblume and in April 1941 reached the limit of their supply capacity at the Egyptian border but failed to recapture Tobruk. La condizione Usato. [29] Further attacks were driven back from cleverly planned interlocking defences. Despite rain and insufficient air cover, progress was made up the lower ridges of the 900-foot (270 m) Longstop Hill that controlled the river corridor from Medjez to Tebourba and thence to Tunis. Weber's force was to advance in three groups: a central group moving west toward Medjez el Bab; a second to the north advancing south-west, on the route from Mateur to Béja (which was some 40 km (25 mi) west of Medjez) and the third group pushing west 25 miles (40 km) south of Medjez. [48] It had not had time to organise properly but was able to direct heavy artillery fire from the surrounding heights which brought the leading mechanised units of the Afrika Korps batlegroup to a halt. Tuttavia la mancanza di uomini, di mezzi e soprattutto di rifornimenti avrebbe segnato la sorte delle forze dell'Asse in Tunisia. Joseph Goebbels wrote that it was on the same scale as the defeat in the Battle of Stalingrad; Tunisgrad was coined for the defeat. Il generale Harold Alexander avrebbe assunto il comando del 18º Gruppo d'armate e avrebbe ceduto la guida del teatro del Vicino e del Medio Oriente al generale Henry Maitland Wilson[22]. muovere, il 1º dicembre, per Susa e Sfax. They penetrated the Italian-held line[66] and established a small bridgehead west of Zarat on 20/21 March. [4] Instead it was agreed that landings would be made to secure the Vichy territories in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia) and then to thrust east to take the Axis forces in the Western Desert in their rear. in Tunisia, che portò alla resa della 5a Armata corazzata tedesca del ... LA BATTAGLIA DI GELA 10 - 11 LUGLIO 1943, DUE GIORNI VISSUTI DA EROI 36 del Tenente Colonnello Giovanni Iacono in servizio presso il Comando per la Formazione, Specializzazione e Dottrina dell’Esercito ... Storia. The 2nd New Zealand Division and 1st Armoured Division pursued the Germans 225 km (140 mi) northwards into defensive positions in the hills west of Enfidaville, which were held until the end of the campaign. [78], The redeployments were complete by the night of 5 May; Anderson had arranged for a dummy concentration of tanks near Bou Arada on the IX Corps front, to deflect attention from the arrival of the 7th Armoured Division in the Medjez sector and achieved a considerable measure of surprise as to the size of the armoured force when the attack began. Tutti i 14 cargo vennero abbattuti con una perdita di 120 uomini di equipaggio e di 700 barili di benzina. The terrain and rain however prevented the deployment of tanks, aircraft and anti-tank guns, which left the infantry isolated. [62] By 23 February, Air Marshal Sir Arthur Coningham had succeeded Kuter at the Allied Air Support Command, which became Northwest African Tactical Air Force under Spaatz, with the Desert Air Force supporting Eighth Army, under its operational control. AGRIGENTO 1943: RESISTENZA AD OLTRANZA! [21], There were two roads eastwards into Tunisia from Algeria. [28] The 36th Brigade's delayed attack began on 26 November but they were ambushed with the leading battalion taking 149 casualties. The armies would gain airfields for the Allied air forces. XXX Corps of the Eighth Army commenced Operation Pugilist along with the 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division. Rommel remained convinced that US forces posed little threat, while the British and Commonwealth troops were his equal. [63], The Axis also created a combined command for their two armies. On the morning of 22 February, as Broich prepared to launch his attack, his front was hit by a devastating artillery barrage. La battaglia di El Guettar è una battaglia della seconda guerra mondiale combattuta durante la campagna di Tunisia. [36] The Allies had tried to prevent the Axis build up with substantial air and sea forces but Tunis and Bizerte were only 190 km (120 mi) from the ports and airfields of western Sicily, 290 km (180 mi) from Palermo and 480 km (300 mi) from Naples, making it very difficult to intercept Axis transports which had the benefit of substantial air cover. Most important, on 6 March 1943 command of the II US Corps passed from Fredendall to George S. Patton, with Omar Bradley as assistant Corps Commander. By this time, the Axis had deployed a corps in Tunisia and outnumbered the Allies there in almost all ways. [100], Series of battles in Tunisia during the Second World War, 2/3 of the combat troops and 1/3 of the support troops were Germans, Mitcham lists the following tank losses with no upper limit and no noted losses to mechanical breakdowns. By 18 April, after attacks by Eighth Army from the south and flanking attacks by IX Corps and French XIX Corps, the Axis forces had been pushed into a defensive line on the north-east coast of Tunis, attempting to protect their supply lines but with little hope of continuing the battle for long. [43] After three days, the Allied forces had been forced to pull back and were withdrawn into the interior plains to make a new forward defensive line at the small town of Sbeitla. With North Africa in Allied hands, plans quickly turned to the invasion of Sicily and Italy. Rommel took direct control of the attack and forced the defences by 4pm. Further south, on 15 November, a US parachute battalion made an unopposed drop at Youks-les-Bains, capturing the airfield and advanced to take the airfield at Gafsa on 17 November.[22]. [49] Before they could continue, infantry had to be sent up into the high ground seeking to eliminate the artillery threat. This had the intended side effect of improving the fire control of the already-strong US artillery. Panzer-Division del generale Fischer, attaccò in direzione del passo di Fondouk nel settore difeso dai reparti francesi del XIX corpo d'armata del generale Koeltz. During the first half of January, Anderson had with mixed results kept constant pressure through limited attacks and reconnaissance in strength. In between, there were only a few easily defended passes through the Atlas Mountains. … Un kampfgruppe, costituito da due battaglioni di granatieri e circa quaranta panzer della 10. In the south 11th Brigade were halted by stiff resistance at Medjez. Once Algiers was secured, a small force, the Eastern Task Force, would be projected as quickly as possible into Tunisia in a race to occupy Tunis, some 800 km (500 mi) distant along poor roads in difficult terrain during the winter rainy season, before the Axis could organise. The US II Corps was unable to exploit the German failure and each attack was stopped by the 10th Panzer Division or 21st Panzer Division counter-attacks up the road from Gabès; co-ordination of Allied air and ground forces remained unsatisfactory. By the end of 10 December, Allied units held a defensive line just east of Medjez el Bab. Il 15 e il 16 novembre i paracadutisti americani del colonnello Edson Raff furono lanciati su Tébessa, da dove proseguirono subito su Gafsa mentre le avanguardie britanniche raggiunsero Jendouba e Tabarka; il 24 novembre una audace puntata di una colonna americana con carri leggeri M3 "Stuart" sbucò sulla pista d'aviazione di Djedeida, meno di 20 chilometri da Tunisi, distruggendo numerosi aerei. [75] On 25 March, Alexander ordered a counter-attack on the V Corps front and on 28 March, Anderson attacked with the 46th Infantry Division, with the 138th Infantry Brigade, 128th Infantry Brigade in reserve and reinforced by the 36th Infantry Brigade, 1st Parachute Brigade and French units including a tabor of specialist mountain Goumiers, the artillery of two divisions plus more from army resources. La battaglia di Tunisi (contro l’Italia) Da Roma piovono ogni anno milioni di contributi, sussidi e aperture di mercato. CB01 » Film » Azione » The Bombing – La battaglia di Chongqing [HD] (2018) AZIONE – DURATA 126′ – CINA La popolazione di Chongqing è stremata dalle continue incursioni aeree dei giapponesi, iniziate con lo scoppio della Seconda guerra mondiale e continuate fino al 1943. The first two years of the war in North Africa were characterized by chronic supply shortages and transport problems. [98] Between 29 March and 21 April, 203 Allied aircraft were destroyed. Six days after the fall of Tunis and Bizerte, the last Axis resistance in Africa ended with the surrender of over 230,000 Germans who became prisoners of war (POWs). - febb: la rotta in tunisia: 2a guerra mondiale > > qui > 1943 - 9-13 settembre: la strage di cefalonia - e lero: 2a guerra mondiale > > qui > 1944- 6 giugno: lo sbarco in normandia Panzerarmee. [68] The main attacks were by Corps Weber which had the 334th Infantry Division, newly arrived elements of the Hermann Göring Division and the part of the 10th Panzer Division not involved in Operation Frühlingswind ("Spring Wind"). Arnim knew that an Allied offensive was imminent and launched a spoiling attack on the night of 20/21 April, between Medjez and Goubellat on the IX Corps front. However, IX Corps on the right would first attack north-east with, by speed of movement, the intention of getting in behind the Medjez position and disrupting their armoured reserves. [91][92], From 22 to 30 November 1942, the RAF flew 1,710 sorties and lost at least 45 aircraft. Inoltre il generale von Arnim era un comandante avveduto e capace; egli aveva deciso di anticipare le iniziative del nemico e di passare a sua volta all'attacco con le sue esperte truppe meccanizzate, nonostante la limitatezza delle forze disponibili con la 5. Eisenhower appointed an air support commander, Brigadier General Laurence S. Kuter, for the whole front on 21 January.[39]. Per motivi di segretezza tuttavia i congiurati francesi in Nordafrica e il generale Giraud vennero mantenuti all'oscuro dagli anglo-americani dei dettagli dello sbarco e della data esatta dell'operazione Torch. Il 6 aprile 1º Reggimento San Marco agli ordini del generale von Arnim, combatté duramente nella battaglia di Wadi Akarit: il comando italo-tedesco aveva ordinato la resistenza a oltranza sulla collina con tutte le forze disponibili; l'attacco generale anglo-americano fu sferrato il 19 aprile, e nonostante una impressionante disparità di forze non riusci a schiacciare le forze dell'Asse: un tentativo aggirante di due divisioni corazzate inglesi con 360 carri armati fu respinto dall'intervento della 10ª divisione corazzata tedesca, a cui rimanevano 30 carri. In 1966, the British Official Historian I. S. O. Playfair wrote that. The sPzAbt 501 surrendered in Tunisia, on 12 May 1943 : LA SITUAZIONE IN TUNISIA A FEBBRAIO -3. Anche se queste missioni costituirono solo il 5% del totale, costarono la perdità di due unità (Malocello[28] e Pancaldo[29]) e di 264 uomini. Nel febbraio del 1943, durante la Campagna di Tunisia, al passo di Kasserine si svolse quella che fu una battaglia tra parte dell’Afrika Korps di Rommel e elementi del Secondo Corpo d’Armata USA al comando del Generale Fredentall. Durante la conferenza di Casablanca i dirigenti anglosassoni avevano deciso di intensificare le operazioni per ottenere la vittoria finale e l'occupazione di tutta la costa nordafricana entro il 15 maggio 1943; a questo scopo venne deciso di riorganizzare completamente la struttura di comando costituendo un "comando supremo alleato" (Allied Force Headquarters, o AHFQ), affidato al generale Eisenhower, responsabile di tutte le forze presenti nel teatro africano e mediterraneo, da cui sarebbe dipeso il 18º Gruppo d'armate che avrebbe diretto le operazioni in Tunisia delle forze terrestri britanniche, americane e francesi inquadrate nella 1ª Armata del generale Anderson e nella 8ª Armata del generale Montgomery. With the help of air support, CCB held on through the day. He was "replaced" when the command was renamed the 5th Panzer Army and Colonel-General Hans-Jürgen von Arnim arrived in Tunis unannounced on 8 December, to assume command. De Gaulle and Giraud met in late January but little progress was made in reconciling their differences or the constituencies they represented. Le forze americane disponevano di un numero maggiore di carri ma erano ampiamente sparpagliate e, ignare e inesperte, furono sorprese dall'attacco convergente dei panzer; dopo aspri scontri tra mezzi corazzati, un battaglione di carri americani fu totalmente distrutto dal tiro dei panzer e due battaglioni di fanteria furono accerchiati[25]. Erwin Rommel had made plans for forces retreating through Libya to dig-in in front of the defunct French fortifications of the Mareth Line. [98] From 29 March to 21 April, 270 Luftwaffe aeroplanes were destroyed and 46 "operational aircraft and almost their entire remaining air transport fleet" was lost. [76] By this stage, Allied aircraft had been moved forward to airfields in Tunisia to prevent the aerial supply of Axis troops in North Africa (Operation Flax) and large numbers of German transport aircraft were shot down between Sicily and Tunis. The following day anti-tank guns from German and Italian units checked the advance of X Corps, to gain time for a withdrawal. They were forestalled by an Axis counter-attack, led by Major-General Wolfgang Fischer, whose 10th Panzer Division had just arrived in Tunisia. Most of the inland western border with Algeria is astride the eastern line of the Atlas Mountains which run from the Atlantic coast of Morocco, 1,900 kilometres (1,200 mi) east to Tunis. [91], The Luftwaffe lost 2,422+ aircraft in the Mediterranean theatre from November 1942 – May 1943 (41 percent of the Luftwaffe). The northern flank of Weber's corps was to be protected by the Manteuffel Division[nb 6] advancing west (Operation Ausladung) and forcing the Allies out of their advanced positions opposite Green Hill and the Axis-held Jefna Station.[69]. The aim of Operation Ausladung ("Outward thrust") was to gain control of the vital town of Djebel Abiod. Rommel's original proposal was for a limited but concentrated attack through Kasserine to confront II Corps' strength at Tébessa and gain vital supplies from the US dumps there. Night convoys resumed on completion of the extension of Axis minefields which severely restricted the activities of Force K and Force Q. [95] From 27 December 1942 to 17 January 1943 the RAF flew 3,160 sorties and lost 38 aircraft while the USAAF flew an estimated 3,200 sorties and lost 36 aeroplanes.

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